Post-Weight Loss
What is post-weight loss body contouring?
Those who have lost 100 pounds or more may want to undergo treatment to help smooth out their skin around their slimmer shape. Skin that has been stretched around the abdomen, arms, legs, breasts and even face can often lose elasticity and therefore not shrink to the person's new size. A face lift, breast lift, arm lift, thigh lift, and lower body lifts, such as a tummy tuck and buttocks lift, can remove excess skin and create a smoother appearance.
What does post-weight loss body contouring improve?
Post-weight loss body contouring can:
- Remove excess skin for smoother contours.
- Help patients who have achieved significant weight loss fit better into their clothing, feel less self-conscious participating in their favorite activities, and experience a fuller sense of self confidence as a result of their hard work.
How is the procedure performed?
Details on each procedure - face lift, breast lift, arm lift, thigh lift, and lower body lifts, such as a tummy tuck and buttocks lift - can be found on this website. Dr. Moosavi will sit down and help each patient determine the safest course of action to reach his or her body contouring goals over a period of time.
What are the risks?
- Anesthesia risks
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac or pulmonary complications
- Change in skin sensation
- Poor healing
- Fluid accumulation
- Persistent swelling
- Skin discoloration
- Sutures may not absorb, and surface through the skin causing irritation, drainage and redness
- Scarring
- Skin loss
- Fat necrosis (when fatty tissue found deep in the skin dies)
- Pain
- Unsatisfactory results
What can be expected after the surgery?
Will I have bandages/drainage tubes?
Elastic bandages and/or a compression garment may be used over the treated areas to reduce swelling and help shape skin into the body's new contours. Also, drainage tubes may be used to remove excess fluid.
How soon until I can return to work?
Every patient is different. Heed the surgeon's advice about when to return to work and resume your typical activities following surgery.
How soon until I see results?
Results may be apparent immediately, though it could take much more time - perhaps a year or more - for final results to develop.
Is post-weight loss body contouring covered by insurance?
Body contouring is considered a cosmetic procedure and is usually not covered by insurance companies.